This is the forty-seventh post in my series that explores the most-used words in the top stories shared amongst Environmental Historians and Environmental Humanities scholars on Twitter each week.


Here are the top articles amongst environmental historians and humanities scholars this past week (January 15– January 21, 2018):

Monday: “University, Science, Panel” by Jessica DeWitt, Historical DeWitticisms 

Tuesday: The unbearable hypocrisy of being an ecologist*” by Mark Vellend, Dynamic Ecology

Wednesday: “Cardiff Law Students Reflect on Bee-Harming Pesticides” by Elen Stokes, Cardiff University Blogs: Environmental Justice Research Unit

Thursday: Oversalted: Why Ontario needs a new approach to snow removal” by Tim Alamenciak, tvo

Friday: The radioactive history of Trump’s pick to advise him on environmental issues” by Mark Hand, ThinkProgress

Saturday: The Bow Valley and ‘People’ Without a History” by Tina Loo, Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE)

Sunday: “Designed in California”: Tracing the History of Socially Conscious Design” by Nadja Sayej, PRINT

Top Words

1. environmental 

2. water

3. neonics

4. Environmental

5. also

6. use

7. salt

8. White

9. design

10. Twitter

11. people

Published by Jessica M. DeWitt

Dr. Jessica M. DeWitt is an environmental historian of Canada and the United States. She is passionate about the use of digital technologies to bridge the gap between the public and researchers. In addition to her community and professional work, she offers various editing and social media consultancy services.

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