This is the fifteenth post in my series that explores the most-used words in the top stories shared amongst Environmental Historians and Environmental Humanities scholars on Twitter each week.

Levi P. Morton

Here are the top articles amongst environmental historians and humanities scholars this past week (June 12 – June 18, 2017):

Monday: “Air pollution more harmful to children in cars than outside, warns top scientist” by Damian Carrington, The Guardian

Tuesday: Fake Grassroots Group Launched by Natural Gas Industry to Counter Pipeline Protests” by Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Wednesday: The Canada most people don’t hear” by Alicia Elliott, Robert Jago, Melanie Lefebvre, and Ryan McMahon, Maclean’s

Thursday: ‘A reckoning for our species’: the philosopher prophet of the Anthropocene” by Alex Blasdel, The Guardian

Friday: Environmental History and the History of Emotions” by Andrea Gaynor, HISTORIES OF EMOTION: From Medieval Europe to Contemporary Australia 

Saturday: Incredibly Rare White Risso’s Dolphin Spotted For First Time In Years” by Tom Hale, IFLScience!

Sunday: This exciting Brexit future feels like all the rubbish bits from the past” by Marina Hyde, The Guardian

Top Words

1. Morton

2. people

3. Anthropocene

4. one

5. Indigenous 

6. now

7. said 

8. can

9. Gilmore

10. time

11. like


Published by Jessica M. DeWitt

Dr. Jessica M. DeWitt is an environmental historian of Canada and the United States. She is passionate about the use of digital technologies to bridge the gap between the public and researchers. In addition to her community and professional work, she offers various editing and social media consultancy services.

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